Fixed Speed Enforcement
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Traffsys’ speed enforcement system is designed to efficiently capture a high volume of speeding vehicles across multiple lanes, offering options ranging from single-lane to four-lane coverage. Our systems are adept at detecting both approaching and receding traffic.

Utilizing FMCW 4D Radar technology and high-resolution cameras up to 12 MP, our system automatically detects and captures all vehicles in all lanes. The combination of precise coordinates and speed data from the radar and AI-equipped cameras ensures accurate identification of vehicles even in dense traffic conditions.

Our system undergoes rigorous testing and certification by accredited labs, providing authorities with confidence in its ability to enforce speed limits accurately and effectively.


Tailored solution

Very high image quality

4D HD Radar capable of testing speeds up to 320 km/hr

The system tested for speeds exceeding 200 km/hr.

Solution accuracy surpassing 98%

Camera system options ranging from 2 MP to 12 MP

ANPR accuracy exceeding 90% for High-Security Number (HSN) plates

AI-based enforcement capabilities (e.g., No Helmet, Triple Ride)

Violation management streamlined through a single platform.

Seamless integration with Vahan and various third-party software solutions

Integrity of data and authenticity



It measures the average speed of a vehicle over a longer distance and creates consistent smooth traffic flow with only minor speed differentials.

Option for measuring average speed.

Provides highly accurate and precise measurements.

Utilizes a distributed architecture for enhanced efficiency.

Capable of working with non-readable plates

Traffsys’ fixed speed systems offer unparalleled accuracy and reliability, ensuring effective enforcement of speed limits for enhanced road safety.

The solution has been certified by ARAI.

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